Water Management

Healthcare is a complex and high-risk operation that requires exceptionally well-run facilities to ensure that the patients, staff and visitors are kept safe from contracting nosocomial infections.

Controlling microorganisms within the healthcare facilities’ water and drainage systems is an essential part of ensuring that nosocomial infection rates are kept to a minimum.

Citritek provide a range of services to the healthcare industry to reduce the risk to patients and assist the facilities and infection control teams.
Citritek’s air and water monitoring sensors transmit all their data through the same network infrastructure, displayed on the same online portal, and alert users through the same systems.

This means one password to remember, one set of network infrastructure to install on site and one interface to become familiar with.
Citritek provide continuous monitoring of control measures using their remote sensor technology and years of expertise to provide real time understanding of water system health and actionable alerts if key parameters are out of specification.

Our air and water sensors transmit all data through the same network infrastructure, displayed on the same online portal, and alert users through the same systems. This means one password to remember, one set of network infrastructure to install on site and one interface to become familiar with.
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