
Hospitality businesses such as restaurants and hotels often have large, high usage water systems where the demands on the building and its systems can be almost 24/7. This means that monitoring and maintenance to ensure these systems are clean, safe and efficient can be difficult.

Energy usage and the costs associated with water and HVAC are also a critical control points for all building managers. Having the data to ensure your water and HVAC systems are running at compliant but efficient set points is essential.

The common compliance service to manage Legionella involves monthly visits to manually test and write down temperatures. This creates issues around data integrity, yet another logbook to keep track of and concerns for student safeguarding.
Citritek’s Tangeretin and Limonene system can
Citritek’s air and water monitoring sensors transmit all their data through the same network infrastructure, displayed on the same online portal, and alert users through the same systems.

This means one password to remember, one set of network infrastructure to install on site and one interface to become familiar with.
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