Laboratories and Pharmaceuticals
Manufacture, research and testing laboratories often have a high level of restricted access due to the sensitive nature of their activities and the potential risk to the health of occupants within these laboratories.
Water technicians, whether in house facilities engineers or third-party contractors, can pose a risk to sensitive areas of laboratory operations as they must be fully inducted and understand the risks associated when entering these facilities. Often, laboratory owners must ensure third-party contractors are escorted to ensure that the appropriate decontamination and PPE requirements are followed as well as working to minimise any disruption to the laboratory staff, processes or the equipment.
Citritek’s Tangeretin and Limonene system can
- Reduce Legionella contractor visits by 92%
- Reduce disruption to laboratory operations
- Reduce risk of contamination by unfamiliar visitors
- Safe money on energy usage
- Remove no access non-compliances for high-risk and high-security areas
- Have an overview of all sites through one portal
- Prioritise remedials
- Improve occupant safety from Legionella bacteria and Coronavirus Prevent unnecessary flushing
Our air and water monitoring sensors transmit all their data through the same network infrastructure, displayed on the same online portal, and alert users through the same systems.
This means one password to remember, one set of network infrastructure to install on site and one interface to become familiar with.